Oxygen is the Key in Burning Fat

miki ryosukeThe picture illustrated here is a Japanese actor, Miki Ryosuke who invented a famous exercise program called “Long Breathing Diet.” After suffering from lower back pain for years, he started doing breathing exercises recommended by his doctor. After a few weeks, he discovered that not only his lower back pain diminished, his weight went down rapidly. In 50 days, he lost a whopping 28 pounds and 5 inches around his waist line. He fine-tuned these techniques to maximize the fat burning process, while toning the entire body.

Similar exercise programs based on breathing such as Oxycise have been around in the US for some time. All of these breathing exercises rely on the one principle– Oxygen is the key to burn fat, not humping and pumping. Since fat is made up of oxygen, carbon dioxide and water, when the oxygen we breathe reaches the fat molecules, it breaks them down into carbon dioxide and water. The carbon dioxide–the waste product of the bodies– is then picked up by the blood stream which returns to to the lungs to be exhaled. Therefore, the more oxygen our bodies use, the more fat will be burned. Long breathing exercises are especially helpful in burning stomach fat. 

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