Release Back Pain with Lying on the Floor

Last week, after an 11-hour flight from South America, I had such an acute lower back pain that I haven’t experienced in a long time. Since I was too tired to do anything to relieve the pain, I tried Japanese towel method that I use occasionally. The results were so astounding that I am compelled to share this method. 

Japanese 5-Minute Exercise

This technique, pioneered by Dr. Toshiki Fukutsudzi of Japan, became extremely popular in Japan and other parts of Asia about 10 years ago. More than 6 million copies of his book was sold. Originally promoted as a fast way to “lose weight without diet,” this exercise protocol has been catching up in the western world for the last few years. I cannot testify anything about how effective this exercise is with regard to “weight loss,” although I can personally vouch for the efficacy of this program in lesseningtowel5-1 acute/chronic lower back pain associated with herniated lumbar disc, sciatica, sacrum and pelvic tightness. Those who suffer from chronic neck pain can also benefit from this simple, easy method. The beauty of this method is it requires almost no effort from participants, except lying flat on the floor for 5 minutes.