Nutrition and Diet Tips for Anxiety and Depression

Whether it is anxiety or depression, when it comes to any physiological and/or emotional issues, I need to repeat myself: Stay away from three food items: Sugar, Wheat, and Dairies. All these foods create empty heat in the body, dampen the body, and block the energy flow. Just removing these foods for even one week can make a huge difference in one’s emotional landscape.

Foods Helping Anxiety/Depression

Asparagus, avocados, and berries

Garlic, onion, cinnamon, and honey

Cashews, walnuts, and sunflower seeds

Chamomile tea, and green tea

Oysters, and grass-fed beef

Nutritional Supplements Recommended for Anxiety/Depression

Fish oil

Vit D, Vit B12, Vit C





St. John’s Wort

Valerian Root

L Tryptophan

Note: I have successfully used the following Standard Process products in treating anxiety/depression patients:

B6-Niacynamide, Mineral Tranquilizer, Orchex, E-Poise, Zymex, Livaplex, and Calcium Lactae.

Ulcerative Colitis – Tips for Dealing With It

Both Western and Chinese medicines recognize the importance of diet and its role in prevention and treatment of ulcerative colitis. Western medicine acknowledges dietary intake of certain factors (such as certain chemicals and drugs) may be linked to increased incidence of ulcerative colitis; Chinese medicine recognizes that dietary intake with excessive cold or raw food may injury the spleen and the stomach. Therefore, diet plays an important role in both prevent and effective treatment of the illness.

Food won’t prevent or cure IBD, but the right diet may diminish symptoms. The strategy is to focus on foods that reduce inflammation, to reestablish healthy bacteria in the gut and to pamper your intestinal tract. Keeping a food diary helps determine which foods trigger flare-ups and which seem to help.

Things to Avoid

  • Avoid any food which may trigger recurrence, such as certain chemicals, raw or cold food. Milk, cheese and other dairy products should be avoided especially if the patients have lactose intolerance.
  • Avoid sugar of all forms; avoid any wheat products especially during acute flare-ups.
  • High roughage food such as raw fruits or vegetables sometimes worsen intestinal obstruction and colic.
  • Alcohol should be avoided as it may be irritating to the stomach and the intestines.
  • Caffeine and carbonated drinks
  • Nuts, seeds, dried fruits
  • Spicy food may trigger certain nerve reactions in the digestive tract.
  • Certain over-the-counter or prescription antidiarrheal drugs may worsen the condition and create toxic megacolon.

What to Add

Everyone has different triggers; therefore it’s difficult to recommend certain types of food and/or supplements. In addition to avoiding the “wrong food,” it is equally important to have adequate calorie and fluid intake as malnutrition and dehydration are common problems associated with ulcerative colitis.  In general, two strategies that work are:

  • A bland, low-fiber may best during acute flares.
  • Eat 5 or 6 small meals a day.

All of the following recommendations should not be taken unless supervised by a qualified health care provider.

  • Oral iron supplements for those with frequent bleeding.
  • Folic acid: Many people who have ulcerative colitis have low levels of folic acid in their blood.
  • Omega-3 fatty acids found in fish oil: DO NOT take high doses of fish oil if you take blood-thinning medication.
  • Probiotics: Consult your doctor to be sure probiotics are appropriate for your case.
  • Vitamin D: is necessary to maintain strong bones. People with ulcerative colitis, especially those who take corticosteroids, often have low levels of vitamin D and are at risk for osteoporosis.
  • Calcium: is also needed for strong bones. Ask your doctor if you need a calcium supplement.
  • N-acetyl glucosamine: Preliminary research suggests that N-acetyl glucosamine supplements or enemas may improve symptoms of inflammatory bowel disease.
  • Psyllium seeds: Psyllium is a type of insoluble fiber, and may be irritating to some people, especially during flares. Some people may have better results using soluble fiber, such as flax seed or oat bran, in combination with or instead of psyllium.
  • Boswellia: Boswellia has anti-inflammatory properties.
  • Curcumin or turmeric: This has anti-inflammatory properties. People with gallbladder disease or gastro esophageal reflux disease (GERD), hormone-related cancers, or people who are taking blood-thinning medications, should not take curcumin without first consulting with their doctors.
  • Slippery elm: is a demulcent (protects irritated tissues and promotes their healing). Women who may be pregnant should never take slippery elm.
  • Marshmallow: is a demulcent and emollient. Avoid marshmallow if you have diabetes.
  • Chamomile: is often used to soothe digestive tract. It is usually taken as a tea. Chamomile can cause allergic reactions in some people, particularly those who are sensitive to ragweed. Medicine

Nutrition Tips to Deal with Candidiasis

The following recommendations are by no means complete protocols.  Depending on the body’s constitutional weaknesses and reactions, these recommendations can be modified.  The key is to stay away from sugar, alcohol, carbohydrates, and dairies as much as possible. At the initial phase, all forms of protein including fish or chicken must be avoided as the main focus is to make candida starve to death.

First Phase—The Candida Cleanse Period (typically one week to 10 days)

  • Avoid all grains, especially wheat.
  • Avoid all proteins, except coconut milk or almond milk.
  • No nuts and all forms of pre-made salad dressings.
  • Fruit intake should be minimal.
  • Eat steamed organic vegetables as much as one can handle.
  • Eat salads made from leafy greens (like romaine lettuce) or bitter greens (like chard) and topped with just a bit of coconut oil and apple cider vinegar (or lemon juice).
  • Stay away from starchy vegetables like carrots, radishes, beets, sweet potatoes and white potatoes.
  • Drink plenty of pure water, a minimum of 72 ounces per day, to help flush the candida and by-products from the body.
  • Use Bentonite Clay to help surround the toxins and efficiently remove them from the body.
  • Nutritional supplements such as Grapefruit seed extract, Vitamin B12, Vitamin D, Garlic extract, Turmeric, Ginger, Cinnamon, or Oregano will be beneficial.

The Second Phase—The Candida Diet (8 to 10 weeks)

  • Re-introduce warm starchy vegetables such as sweet potatoes, yams, peas, mung beans, lentils, kidney beans, adzuki beans, carrots, beets, corn, butternut squash, spaghetti squash, acorn squash, zucchini, yellow squash, rutabaga and pumpkin.
  • One serving a day of grains from quinoa, barley, brown rice, or amaranth.
  • Keep eating green leafy vegetables.
  • Add cultured dairy, especially kefir. Kimchi, sauerkraut and other fermented foods are also
  • Keep staying away from refined carbohydrates and sugars.
  • Support the body with Vitamin C, Vitamin B12, Milk Thistle, Oregano Oil, Clove Oil, and Grape Seed Extract.

Candida Die-Off Symptoms

If one follows these recommendations, almost everyone will experience candida die-off symptoms. When candidas are being killed off rapidly, they cause metabolic reaction by releasing 70 different toxins into the body. Symptoms of candida die-off include:

  • Brain Fog
  • Headache
  • Fatigue
  • Dizziness
  • Intestinal distress including bloating, gas, constipation and nausea
  • Sweating and fever
  • Sinus infection
  • Skin breakouts (not limited to face)
  • Typical flu-like symptoms

These symptoms usually clear up in seven to 10 days.

After all symptoms have subsided, one should continue eating a diet high in protein, high-fiber vegetables, and limit grains, fruits, sugar and high-starch vegetables like white potatoes. Fermented vegetables and kefir are known to help the body stay in balance and keep the candida at bay.

Nutritional Support During Allergy Season

Here are inexpensive, effective, and easy ideas in alleviating allergy symptoms.


Apple Cider Vinegar

Raw, unfiltered, organic apple cider vinegar has long been used to treat many respiratory diseases including allergies and asthma. Depending on the severity of symptoms, the dosage will vary. The best way to use apple cider vinegar for your allergies is on a consistent basis. Mix 1 tablespoon ACV with 1 tablespoon of freshly squeezed lemon juice and 1/2 tablespoon of raw bees honey and drink three times a day.

Manuka Honey

Manuka honey produced in New Zealand has been used to treat many conditions ranging from stomach ulcers to tinnitus (ringing in the ear). Manuka honey is a strong anti-viral, anti-bacterial, and anti-fungal. Since most of allergy symptoms are caused by bacteria, mold and yeast, and parasites, using Manuka honey makes a perfect sense. Some claim that locally-grown honey is a good alternative, however Manuka honey is known to be far more potent than any other honey brands.


Turmeric is a spice that belongs to the ginger family. It is a natural nutritional supplement that helps to cure many health problems, including allergies, because it contains curcumin, a compound that acts as a decongestant. Tumeric also acts as anti-histamine in reducing the mast cell de-granulation or histamine release.

Dandelion Tea

Dandelion root and leaves are natural detoxifiers and blood cleansers. The Chinese use the greens and roots of dandelions to “cool the blood.” Drinking the tea on a daily basis in the springtime can help to detox the body, purify the blood and is helpful for allergy-prone people.

Vitamin D

Optimizing your vitamin D levels is absolutely crucial in dealing with allergies. In fact, research suggests that vitamin D deficiency may be a primary underlying cause of asthma. 1000-2000 iu of Vitamin D is recommended, however during high pollen counts season, it can go up to 5000 iu per day.

Eucalyptus oil

This pure essential oil can be healing to mucus membranes. You can apply a drop on a cotton ball and sniff it several times a day, add a few drops to water for a steam treatment, or use a few drops in your bath water.

Avoid pasteurized milk products, all forms of sugar, and wheat

Dairy products are notorious for increasing phlegm and making allergies and asthma worse.  Sugar and wheat products tend to cause inflammations within the body and to reduce body’s natural immune capabilities.

Get Regular Exercise

Exercise regularly, especially out in fresh air, as it helps to boost your overall immune functions.

Tips for Maximizing for Your Cardiovascular Health

There’s really no reason to take statins and suffer the damaging health effects from these dangerous drugs. Adopt a holistic approach that will benefit your overall health—which includes a healthy cardiovascular system.

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  • Optimize your vitamin D levels. Appropriate sun exposure is critical in maintaining a healthy heart.
  • Reduce grains and sugars in your diet.
  • Eat plenty of cruciferous vegetables such as kale, brussels sprouts, broccoli, radish, turnips and cabbages.
  • Eat at least three cloves of garlic a day.
  • Consume a moderate amount of high-quality animal (organic grass-fed) fats.

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  • Other heart-healthy foods include olive oil, coconut and coconut oil, organic raw dairy products, eggs, avocados, raw nuts and seeds.
  • Exercise daily. Make sure you incorporate peak fitness, which also optimizes your human growth hormone (HGH) production.
  • Address your stress level through yoga, Qi-kong, or Emotional Freedom Tapping(EFT). Daily meditation for only five minutes can dramatically reduce your stress level.
  • Avoid smoking or drinking alcohol excessively.
  • Be sure to get plenty of good, restorative sleep.

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