
Physical Healing/Protection

Some of the effective, well-proven, low-cost immune-enhancing methods are listed below. Please bear in mind, these are not end-all remedies. Each individual should use their own judgement in determining what works for them and/or consult with their medical practitioners.

  • Vt C–2000 mg/day, Vt D–2000 ius/day (best source of Vt D is sunshine)
  • Zinc–10 -20 mg/day (best sources of the Zinc are oysters, red meat, poultry, beans, nuts)
  • Elderberry syrup (1 tsp/day)
  • Oregano oil (dilute it with other oils depending on the strength) or 1 tablet of Oregamax by North American Herb & Spice
  • Raw garlic cloves–2-3/day
  • Ginger/lemon/honey tea
  • Tons of fresh organic vegetables and fruits
  • Avoid sugar, wheat, and dairy products 
  • 1-hour walk under the sunshine
  • Ventilate your room/car as often as possiblesmiling young ethnic lady cooking dinner in kitchen at home

If you experiencing high fever, chest pain, and/or difficulty of breathing, consult with your physician immediately. If you think you may have been exposed to the virus and are concerned even if there are no active viral attack symptoms, do the following:

  • Drink tonic water–this is basically the quinine water mixed with sugar
  • Quercetin–500mg/day
  • Baking soda (½ tsp dissolved in warm water) daily–to make your body more alkaline
  • Up Vt C to 5000 mg/day
  • Up Vt D to 5000 ius/day
  • Up Zinc intake to 50 mg/day
  • Make your own Quinine Extract(Note: The Quinine is the basis of Hydroxychloroquine (HCQ) used to combat malaria and other parasitic infections. Make sure to take this with the Zinc as the Zinc propels the quinine into the cells for faster healing)

Wash 2-3 grapefruits thoroughly. Peel the grapefruits. In a pot with a lid, place the peels and pour water about 3 inches above the peels. Turn the heat on and let it simmer for two hours. Do not take the lid off the pot till it cools down completely. This concoction is bitter, so sweeten with honey. Take 1 Tsp every 2-3 hours to bring up the phlegm from the lungs. Discontinue when you get better.    


Emotional/Mind Healing

Most of us have experienced an exorbitant amount of anguish, stress, and anxieties lately. When we are under stress, our bodies produce high amounts of stress hormones, which in turn, suppress our immune functions dramatically. In other words, the more we’re stressed out we are, the more likely we will catch this horrific virus. 

But how could we be Not anxious and Not worried in the height of the covid drama? Throughout the pandemic, the dominant theme of society was “fear.” The media have done a remarkable job in pushing us toward a state of fear, adding far more dramas onto the drama itself. 

As FDR postulated, fear is the worst sucker of all. Let’s not give in to fear, regardless how much the media shouts at us to stay fearful. Since fear is an emotional reaction when we perceive potential threats, there’s nothing really “tangible” in the sense of fear.

woman in green and white stripe shirt covering her face with white mask

Maybe now is the best time to take a good care of our emotional/perceptive fields by actively replacing the negatives with the positives. Let’s make a conscious effort to choose hope over fear, smile over frowning, and compassion to our wounded selves and others. Feeling good in the midst of adversities is a pretty cool thing to experience. It takes a lot of practice, but certainly doable. Daily spiritual tune-in will provide extra fuels in restoring your emotional health. 

Spiritual Alignment First

As an alternative medical practitioner with over 20 years of clinical experiences, I strongly believe the key in protecting ourselves against this virus is not so much dependent on new drugs or vaccines. Rather, the key is to boost our natural immune capacities, as best as we can. 

Just like everything else in the  universe, we are made up of three aspects: body, mind, and spirit. Normally, I would start off recommending physical healing materials first. However, this pandemic has caused such an upheaval in our energetic fields that a more potent and direct approach is called for.

Quantum biology says when we tap into a higher level of vibration frequency, our brains start producing  powerful neurological signals that will induce a rapid recovery in all aspects of our being, including IMMUNITY. So, let’s try to raise our vibration frequency first by re-aligning (from chaos) and augmenting our spiritual aspects. 

Photo by Brett Sayles on

Fortunately, spiritual healing is very easy to practice. Spend 10-15 minutes a day, breathing slowly in and out, gently calming your mind first. Think that with each inhalation, you bring in the most pristine and strongest healing energy into you; with each exhalation, you release all stagnant, distorted imbalances from your energy field. When you start feeling calmer, pay attention to the eternal life force doing its job at every corner of the universe. When we were busy worrying about the virus, the rest of the universe was flowing, flourishing, continuously evolving all the time.

If you feel a deep sense of peace, know that you just completed a session of spiritual healing. You can replace this part with deep prayers, reciting mantras, or whatever you wish, as long as your intent is clear and strong: You’re tuning into the highest vibratory frequency of the entire universe.

How to Deal with the Virus Scare

We are living in an extremely chaotic, confusing, and fearful environment. Never in human history have we experienced such a massive global lockdown that affected almost everyone on planet earth. It feels like the impact of COVID-19 is ten times bigger than that of 9/11; it’s akin to nukes detonated everywhere across the globe.


We were informed about clear and imminent dangers of the virus; we followed the government edicts and rules diligently; and we reduced our physical and social activities to a minimum. In the meantime, we had to deal with an unprecedented amount of stress, worries, and anxieties.  Occasionally, many of us felt physical, emotional, and spiritual challenges were unbearable.

Now it seems that we will be allowed to resume normal activities, albeit on an extremely limited scale. As many pundits put it, going back to “normalcy” is not likely to happen. We need to adjust to new, unknown parameters of life, adapt to strange rules and regulations, and deal with many different survival issues. The only thing we know for sure at this point is it will be a very rough ride.

Before I will share my thoughts on how to cope  with COVID-19, I want to put a few things in perspective. 

  • Scientists, medical doctors, and so-called experts do NOT have a clue what this virus is all about. I’ve read hundreds of medical journals and talked with many medical doctors, and the consensus seems to be: We Don’t Know What the Devil This Virus Is.
  • As the true nature of this virus is so elusive, it’s difficult to put faith in testing results (PCR molecular tests, antibody tests, etc.), tracing mechanisms, miracle drugs, and soon-to-be-introduced  “vaccines.” –New England Journal of Medicine, May 22, 2020–Remdesivir for the Treatment of Covid-19 — Preliminary Report
  • Most importantly, why in the world Nobody who is presumed to be responsible for public health gives advice on how to protect ourselves other than emphasizing social distancing, hand-washing, wearing masks, etc.? Is that all they can offer?

Clearly, when it comes to preventing ourselves from getting really sick, we’d better Not expect any sensible guidelines to be issued by public health officials or other medical authorities. 


Tips to Get Ready for Spring Allergy Season

  1. Cleanse your liver and gallbladder by drinking warm lemon water first thing upon waking up. You can replace lemon with organic apple cider vinegar also. This helps with the liver detox and bile secretion.

    Photo by Julia Zolotova on

2. Eliminate all phlegm-producing foods–especially dairies (including yogurts), peanuts, citrus, and fried foods as all of these tend to produce massive amount of mucus in the body. Extra phlegm in the lungs and upper respiratory tract will certainly make your allergy a lot worse.

dairy products3. Cleanse your nostrils with neti-pot daily. During the peak allergy season, do it at least twice a day. Neti pots are an ancient tradition of rinsing nasal passages with salty water. Daily rinsing helps remove mucus and offending allergens so that you can breath better. neti-potWhen using neti pots, make sure that you use either boiled or distilled water (Note: DO NOT USE unboiled tap water). For salt, use non-iodized sea salt, 1/4 teaspoon for 1 cup of water.


4. Take probiotics and digestive enzymes to take care of your small intestine and colon. Chronic digestive disorders like Irritable Bowel, food allergies and sensitivities, and Crohn’s will give rise to phlegm in the digestive tract that can exacerbate the body’s ability to deal with allergies. Also, introduce huge amount of fiber in your diet so that you eliminate regularly.


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5. Augment Your Lung Capacities with Qigong exercises.


Here is a simple exercise you can do to help your lungs. Sit straight, staying relaxed, breathing evenly. Now cross your legs, exhale, bend forward at the waist as much as possible. It’s best to do this exercise sitting on the floor, however, sitting on a chair is ok too.

Photo by Polina Tankilevitch on

Using your hands to support yourself, raise your body upright, inhale, then holding your breath for 10 seconds. Exhale while bending forward, then change your leg positions. Sit straight and repeat inhaling and hold your breath for 10 seconds. Repeat this action five times. This exercise not only regulates the qi of the lungs, but helps promote and reinforce the function of the lungs.

6. When your allergy makes you seriously sick, take: Allerplex by Standard process, Antronex by Standard Process (these two are very effective in preventing you from getting major allergy symptoms), Albizia by Mediherb, Jade Screen or Jade Screen with Xanthium by Golden Flowers jade screen(Note: all of these herbs and supplements may not be available unless you ask your practitioner. I am highly suspicious of Standard Process products being sold on Amazon). 








It’s NOT pollens, It’s Your Immune Functions

For sake of discussion, let’s talk about allergic rhinitis, or hay fever–the epitome of the spring allergy– from a western medical perspective. This allergic rhinitis is a classical example of compromised immunity. Basically, the immune system has a immune functionshyper response to a strong pathogen (pollen, an abundance of cat dander, etc) and this causes a rapid physiological changes resulting in itchy eyes and throat, sinus congestion, sneezing, asthma and even diarrhea.  Exposure to an allergen would cause a massive release of IgE antibodies which attach to white blood cells known as mast cells. These cells are mostly located in the lungs and upper respiratory tract, the lining of the stomach and the skin. When these cells are stimulated, they release a number of chemicals including histamine which produce the allergic symptoms.

So you’ve been told that antihistamines are the answers to your allergy symptoms. Well, antihistamines work well in suppressing the symptoms but not the root cause of weak immune functions.

Traditional Chinese medicine, on the other hand, views allergic rhinitis as a reflection of weak and imbalanced energy in our organs, especially the lungs, the spleen, the liver and gallbladder, and the kidneys. If we can augment the energy flows of those organs, our immune functions can dramatically increase. Acupuncture clearly helps to deal with balancing these organs. Chinese herbs and some nutritional supplements can be of tremendous help also. But you want to do more, get really ready for the brutal allergy attacks, don’t you?

Get Prepared, Spring Allergy Season Is Here Already!

Two weeks ago early in the morning, when I opened the sliding door of my kitchen, I clearly smelled a peculiar scent of tree pollens. Since I’ve suffered from spring allergy for so long, I am well aware of this particular scent. Even though all the trees still appeared to be same as few months ago with their dry, naked, and brownish bodies, I can assure you that trees and plants are ready to germinate and pollinate by now. how-to-prepare-for-spring-allergies-1073x715The spring allergy season can start rolling as early as February, so it isn’t too early to start preparing for the allergy season. If you wait until allergy season hits, pollens will be everywhere, symptoms can hit you really hard. Here are a few things I personally have undertaken for years to get ahead of the curve of the spring allergy.

What You Need to Do to Reduce Inflammation on the Wrist

Common-Sense Version

While more advanced stages of carpal tunnel may require more aggressive treatment, perhaps surgery, most cases can be treated naturally.

  1. Reduce or eliminate foods that cause inflammation

I’ve been saying for more than a decade that if we, as a species, can eliminate three food items, majority of human diseases will simply go away. Here we go one more time: Stay away from Sugar, Wheat, and Dairies(including yogurt if your inflammation is severe).

  1. Decrease repetitive movements on the wrist

   Avoid lifting and holding heavy objects, or take breaks as often as you can.

  1. Reduce computer keyboard activities

   Use soft rolls or towel under the forearms to reduce the pressure on the wrist.

Non-Common-Sense Version

  1. Take Blackstrap Molasses

A few tablespoons of blackstrap molasses per day will do a wonder in reducing pain and numbness on the wrist. This nutritionally “sweet” syrup contains a number of nutrients that restore wrist function including magnesium, calcium, and Vit B. bkstrap molasses










2. Vit B Complex

Many individuals with carpal tunnel have been found to be deficient of certain B vitamins. Taking a Vit B complexes can help restore normal nerve function in your wrist and even reverse nerve damage.

3. Castor Oil Pack

Castor Oil is a powerful natural remedy in reducing inflammations anywhere in our body. It has been proven to be very effective in restoring wrist movement and functions, while lessen the severity of numbness and pain. Apply liberally to your wrist at least once a day with a hot damp towel wrapped around the wrist and hand.castor oil

  1. Apply Acupressure on the Four Acupuncture Points
  • Large Intestine 4-Located in the muscle belly between the thumb and the first finger. li4Use the opposite thumb and index or middle finger to perform a slow, sustained pinching motions to the muscle belly. Hold the pressure gently but firmly for 1-3 minutes.



  • Large Intestine 5Located on the lateral side of the wrist slightly backwards (posteriorly) between the base of the thumb and the head of the radius bone. Use your opposite thumb, index or middle finger to apply gentle pressure to this area for 1-3 minutes.LI5gddtet9





  • Lung-8 (Lu-8)

Located on the lateral side of the wrist slightly forwards (anteriorly on the palm side of the hand) between the base of the thumb and the head of the radius bone. Use your opposite thumb, index or middle finger to apply gentle pressure to this area. Hold gentle but firm pressure for 1-3 minutes. You should feel a decrease in hand numbness while applying the pressure.lung 8


  • Pericardium 7 (Pc-7)

Located in the middle of the palm side of the wrist, at the wrist fold lines between the flexor tendons. Use your opposite thumb, index or middle finger to apply gentle pressure to this area. Hold gentle but firm pressure for 1-3 minutes. You will feel a slight decrease in hand numbness while applying the pressure.pericardium7










If none of these work and you still experience unbearable pain, it’s time to make an appointment with an acupuncturist or a physical therapist.

What Causes Carpal Tunnel Syndrome?

Carpal tunnel syndrome is caused by compression of the median nerve as it passes through the carpal tunnel of the wrist. This tunnel or passageway allows tendons, blood vessels and nerves to pass from the forearm to the hand.


The median nerve can become compressed within the tunnel for various reasons such as a wrist fracture or dislocation, chronic shoulder pain shooting down toward the arms and hands, fluid retention, and other inflammatory conditions. Other things that may contribute to carpal tunnel syndrome are working with vibrating tools, prolonged or repetitive flexing of the wrist, and even typing on computer keyboard or using a computer mouse.

Excess inflammation around the carpal tunnel causes a build-up of pressure inside the tunnel, which in turn will cause a blockage of blood flow and nerve signalling from the forearm to the hand. Decreased blood flow results in the sensation of  numbness, tingling, weakness and even swelling.

Suffering from Carpal Tunnel Syndrome?


Lately, I have treated unusually high number people suffering from of Carpal Tunnel Syndrome. Although there’s no direct link between cold weather and carpal tunnel syndrome that I know of, excessive pressure on the shoulders and neck during cold winter days may exacerbate the conditions. Do you suffer from pain, numbness and tingling in your hands? Is that numbness and tingling on the palm side of your hand, extending into the thumb, index finger, middle finger and half of the ring finger? If this sounds like the symptoms you have, you may be suffering from Carpal Tunnel Syndrome.wrist-carpal-tunnel-iStock-471434677-640X440

Self-acupressure on 4 different acupuncture points can dramatically reduce the level of inflammation and pain. In addition, there are a few more excellent tips to help you in dealing with the nagging wrist/hand pain.