Infertility, Fertility and Acupuncture

If you try to get pregnant, try acupuncture first. In 2014, we saw an amazing 90% success rate of pregnancy among our patients.

Most of these patients received medical fertility treatment along with acupuncture; some were treated only with acupuncture and nutrition programs.

Acupuncture and proper nutrition help the body to become balanced and healthy. Acupuncture can assist your body to be far more receptive to any medical fertility programs.

fertility and acupuncture

Numerous studies confirmed a dramatic increase of success rate when using acupuncture in combination with medical fertility treatments and on its own.

A well-known German study done in 2002 followed 160 women who underwent IVF, 80 of them received acupuncture as well and 34 of those women got pregnant: a success rate of 42.5%. Of the other 80 women, those who received IVF without any acupuncture treatments, only 21 women (26.3%) became pregnant.

Another study, American, of 114 women showed that 51% of the women who had acupuncture and IVF treatments became pregnant compared to 36% of women who had IVF alone. Further analysis of the data revealed a much lower rate of miscarriage for the women who had acupuncture as well as IVF.

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Primarily, acupuncture for infertility increases blood supply and flow to the reproductive organs, leading to increased egg follicles and elevated hormone levels around the ovaries. Increased blood flow causes thickening of the uterus lining which is essential in sustaining an implanted embryo, and reducing the chances of miscarriage.

In addition, acupuncture increases production of endorphins, the body’s natural “feel good” brain chemical that also plays a role in regulating the menstrual cycle, egg production and ovulation.

men's fertility

In male patients, acupuncture is found to be beneficial in increasing sperm counts and sperm motility.

Acupuncture for fertility patients takes into account imbalances in the whole body, not just reproductive organs. Depending on patients’ physiological and emotional markups, we focus on treating underlying imbalances in organs such as the liver, kidney, or spleen, along with the endocrine/reproductive organs.