Extreme Fatigue That Doesn’t Go Away?

Four Point Technique can do a wonder in addressing chronic fatigue

Extreme fatigue or tiredness that doesn’t go away can be quite debilitating. The causes of chronic fatigue aren’t well-understood in conventional medical science. fatigue 3Chronic fatigue can be caused by viral/bacterial infection, overgrowth of parasites,  psychological stress, nutritional deficiencies, and/or thyroid issues. Although fatigue can affect anyone, women in their 40s and 50s seem to get hit most often.

The good news is that you can deal with chronic fatigue quite effectively just by massaging two different acupuncture points (actually four points including both left and right side of the body), one in the hands and the other in the feet. For centuries, martial arts, Qigong, Nei Gong, or Taoist meditation practitioners have used the same technique revitalize themselves. Specifically, I use these four points to resolve exhaustion among chemotherapy patients.