Self Acupressure Points for Arthritis

Wherever the pain and inflammation is, gently hold the area and focus on deep breathing for a few minutes. Heat, generated by heating pad or other infra-red lights are extremely helpful. Magnets are also extremely useful in relieving tension, inflammation, and pain on the joints.

Two important points for all arthritic and joint pains, both on the Gallbladder meridian.

GB 34  — Yang Ling Quian

GB 34 Yang Ling Quian

Location: Four finger widths below the kneecap, one finger width to the outside of the leg. Benefits: Strengthens the body, benefits the joints, and relieves the fatigue that often results from the drain of dealing with arthritic pain.

GB 20 – Feng Chi (Wind Pool, Gates of Consciousness)

GB 20 – Feng Chi Wind Pool, Gates of Consciousness

Location: Below the base of the skull, in the hollow between the two large, vertical neck muscles, two to three inches apart depending on the size of the head.

Benefits: Relieves arthritis, as well as the following common complaints that often accompany arthritic pain: headaches, insomnia, stiff neck, neck pain, fatigue, and general irritability.