Spiritual Alignment First

As an alternative medical practitioner with over 20 years of clinical experiences, I strongly believe the key in protecting ourselves against this virus is not so much dependent on new drugs or vaccines. Rather, the key is to boost our natural immune capacities, as best as we can. 

Just like everything else in the  universe, we are made up of three aspects: body, mind, and spirit. Normally, I would start off recommending physical healing materials first. However, this pandemic has caused such an upheaval in our energetic fields that a more potent and direct approach is called for.

Quantum biology says when we tap into a higher level of vibration frequency, our brains start producing  powerful neurological signals that will induce a rapid recovery in all aspects of our being, including IMMUNITY. So, let’s try to raise our vibration frequency first by re-aligning (from chaos) and augmenting our spiritual aspects. 

Photo by Brett Sayles on Pexels.com

Fortunately, spiritual healing is very easy to practice. Spend 10-15 minutes a day, breathing slowly in and out, gently calming your mind first. Think that with each inhalation, you bring in the most pristine and strongest healing energy into you; with each exhalation, you release all stagnant, distorted imbalances from your energy field. When you start feeling calmer, pay attention to the eternal life force doing its job at every corner of the universe. When we were busy worrying about the virus, the rest of the universe was flowing, flourishing, continuously evolving all the time.

If you feel a deep sense of peace, know that you just completed a session of spiritual healing. You can replace this part with deep prayers, reciting mantras, or whatever you wish, as long as your intent is clear and strong: You’re tuning into the highest vibratory frequency of the entire universe.

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