Endocrine Health from Nutrition Response Testing Perspective

All human diseases are the result of many imbalances affecting diverse organs and tissues over time. Our bodies are made up of many layers, organs, and tissues, all of which affect each other at all times. Anything can cause anything, literally.

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Using a cookie-cutter approach based on previous medical studies can be dangerous and costly since each individual has a uniquely different genetic makeup, diet, and medical history. Even if two people demonstrate almost identical symptoms, what one person’s body needs can be vastly different from what the other individual needs.

Let me give an example. A few months ago, a lady in her late forties came into the office complaining about menopausal issues like hot flushes, night sweats, heart palpitations, and mood swings. She had been on synthetic estrogen pills for months, but her symptoms were getting worse.

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After a few acupuncture sessions, I decided to test her body to determine the “real” cause of her menopausal symptoms by using applied kinesiology.

Instead of hormonal/endocrine issues, the root cause of her problems turned to be MERCURY POISOINING IN HER RIGHT KIDNEY.

Immediately, we started the program designed to eliminate mercury from her body and supporting her intestines. In two or three weeks, most of her symptoms disappeared.

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Nutrition response testing system is designed to identify the root cause of any disease, regardless of its severity and length.

There are five common causes of any illnesses, including endocrine disorders.

They are: Food sensitivity, pathogens, metal toxicity, chemical toxicity, and scar tissues.

Testing is easy and simple; treatment plans based on REAL FOOD BASED supplements often produce outstanding results.

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