“Beating the Heavenly Drum” –Qigong Exercise

I discovered this exercise only a few weeks ago after I did a frantic research on tinnitus for my patient. Turned out to be this “Beating the Heaven Drum” is an age-old Taoist Qigong exercise, practiced mostly by Taoist monks in northern China. This exercise is refuted to be a valuable tool in aiding and maintaining a healthy ear, hearing mechanism, and maintaining a clear mentality. There are two ways to do this exercise.

  1. Method 1

Take a moment to relax by breathing slowly and deeply sitting on a chair or on the floor. When ready, close the ear canal by pressing on the tragus (stick-out part in front of ear canal) with your index finger. tragus

Tap gently on your index finger with the same hand’s middle finger, in a slow steady rhythm. Tap 12, 24 or 36 times and then release the fingers from the ears and rest. Tap both ears simultaneously or alternatively on each ear. Repeat the cycle three times. Ideally, you need to do this exercise one to three times a day, depending on the severity of ear ringing.

beating the heavenly drum2

When tapping on the index finger, make sure you hear a hollow metallic drum-like sound. The pressure shouldn’t be too hard, but firm enough to elicit metallic sounds. The key is to maintain a relaxed state of mind, not rushing through the exercise, focusing on the maximum benefit not only for the ears, but for the entire body.

  1. Method 2

Take time and relax for a few minutes breathing in and out slowly. Close your ears by placing your palms over them, with your fingers facing towards the back of the head. beataing the heavenlydrumTap the back of your head with all eight fingers, OR place your index fingers right underneath the occiput (the pronounced protrusion of skull, slightly above the base of the skull), and then put the middle fingers over your index fingers and snap them down on the occipital bone.posterior-view-of-the-skull-parietal-bone-occipital

The best results can be achieved through a steady pulse of beating. Again, tap 12, 24 or 36 times using either the alternating or simultaneous tapping. Repeat the sequence 3 times a day.  

Some people report immediate relief with this exercise, while for some, it takes a few days to see a real impact. Repeat the tapping as long as ringing persists.

Note: Another excellent relief can be found by placing heated salt pouch (2 Tsp of heated salt in a cotton pouch) over the ears for about 10 minutes.


Chinese Medical Perspectives on Tinnitus

Let’s talk about about tinnitus a bit. Affecting one out of every 20 Americans, tinnitus (the Latin word for ringing) is a condition that causes unwelcome noises in the ears such as buzzing, clicking, whistling, or high-pitched ringing sounds. It can happen to anyone, regardless of age, although its occurrence increases with age. Some speculate that usage of cell phones may have contributed to the rise of tinnitus.

tinnitusTinnitus is almost always associated with hearing loss. The sounds may be intermittent, continuous, or pulsing. It may interfere with normal activities, tend to get worse during the evenings and night. Causes of tinnitus include a degenerative auditory nerve, ear infections, neurological problems, sensorineural hearing loss, and Meniere’s disease. Some prescription medications and chemotherapy can also cause tinnitus. Well, that’s what western medicine says about tinnitus.

Chinese medicine, on the other hand, says that tinnitus (or any other hearing issues) is caused by:

  1. Kidney-Bladder network weakness, usually brought on by extreme fatigue caused by overexertion, lack of sleep, lower backache, and/or excessive sexual activity(interesting, isn’t it?). In modern days, drug usage and dependence on narcotics medications would certainly damage the kidneys.
  2. Negative emotions such as anger, frustration, resentment, and hatred disrupt the liver channel and become a “liver fire” over time. This “liver fire” rises up to the head and damage hearing.
  3. Overconsumption of cold and raw foods and dairy products promotes the formation of mucus, causing congestion and preventing proper nourishment of the ears.

Resolving any hearing problems, Chinese or otherwise, is a daunting task. It may be kidneysear photo

because our ears are directly connected with the kidneys (they look strikingly similar) which are considered to be the deepest organs in our body. 

Once the kidneys are damaged, it’s really difficult to restore the optimal health. Let’s figure out how Qigong exercise can help in resolving tinnitus.

Nutritional Support During Allergy Season

Here are inexpensive, effective, and easy ideas in alleviating allergy symptoms.


Apple Cider Vinegar

Raw, unfiltered, organic apple cider vinegar has long been used to treat many respiratory diseases including allergies and asthma. Depending on the severity of symptoms, the dosage will vary. The best way to use apple cider vinegar for your allergies is on a consistent basis. Mix 1 tablespoon ACV with 1 tablespoon of freshly squeezed lemon juice and 1/2 tablespoon of raw bees honey and drink three times a day.

Manuka Honey

Manuka honey produced in New Zealand has been used to treat many conditions ranging from stomach ulcers to tinnitus (ringing in the ear). Manuka honey is a strong anti-viral, anti-bacterial, and anti-fungal. Since most of allergy symptoms are caused by bacteria, mold and yeast, and parasites, using Manuka honey makes a perfect sense. Some claim that locally-grown honey is a good alternative, however Manuka honey is known to be far more potent than any other honey brands.


Turmeric is a spice that belongs to the ginger family. It is a natural nutritional supplement that helps to cure many health problems, including allergies, because it contains curcumin, a compound that acts as a decongestant. Tumeric also acts as anti-histamine in reducing the mast cell de-granulation or histamine release.

Dandelion Tea

Dandelion root and leaves are natural detoxifiers and blood cleansers. The Chinese use the greens and roots of dandelions to “cool the blood.” Drinking the tea on a daily basis in the springtime can help to detox the body, purify the blood and is helpful for allergy-prone people.

Vitamin D

Optimizing your vitamin D levels is absolutely crucial in dealing with allergies. In fact, research suggests that vitamin D deficiency may be a primary underlying cause of asthma. 1000-2000 iu of Vitamin D is recommended, however during high pollen counts season, it can go up to 5000 iu per day.

Eucalyptus oil

This pure essential oil can be healing to mucus membranes. You can apply a drop on a cotton ball and sniff it several times a day, add a few drops to water for a steam treatment, or use a few drops in your bath water.

Avoid pasteurized milk products, all forms of sugar, and wheat

Dairy products are notorious for increasing phlegm and making allergies and asthma worse.  Sugar and wheat products tend to cause inflammations within the body and to reduce body’s natural immune capabilities.

Get Regular Exercise

Exercise regularly, especially out in fresh air, as it helps to boost your overall immune functions.