Strengthen Your Wei (Defensive) Qi

The cold and flu season is getting close rapidly. Dead leaves, mold pores in the air brought on by damp November rain, and airborne viruses and bacteria affect millions of folks who suffer from chronic sinus issues.

Your first line of defense against the flu, or any other illness, is to strengthen your immunity.

Allendale Acupuncture and Nutrition Center

When it comes to staying healthy during cold and flu season, Acupuncture and Oriental medicine have a lot to offer. Acupuncture and Oriental medicine can help prevent colds and flu by fortifying the immune system with just a few needles inserted into key points along the body’s energy pathways.

In Oriental medicine, disease prevention begins by focusing on the protective layer around the exterior of the body called Wei Qi, or defensive energy. The Wei Qi involves acupuncture points known for strengthening the circulation of blood and energy to boost your body’s defenses.

Acupuncture and Oriental medicine can also provide relief and faster healing if you have already come down with a cold or the flu by helping to relieve symptoms you are currently experiencing, including chills, fever, body aches, runny nose, congestion, sore throat, and cough. While bringing some immediate relief, treatments will also reduce the incidence of an upper respiratory tract infection and shorten the length of the illness.

Seasonal acupuncture treatments just four times a year also serve to tonify the inner organ systems and can correct minor annoyances before they become serious problems.

Call us at 201.760.8811 to see how we can help you stay healthy this season!