How to Receive Divine Healing Energy

To receive the “heilstrom” (the divine healing energy), the only thing you must do is to “tune in”. Groening suggested that, you need to “tune in” at least once or twice per day. There are two parts to this “tuning in”: the position of your body and your mindset.

1.The position of the body

hands-upward-178x300Sit with both feet flat on the floor, a comfortable distance apart. Place the backs of your hands on your thighs so that the palms face upwards and the hands do not touch each other; and your arms (and legs) are not crossed. Your spine is straight (if possible) but relaxed.

If you can’t sit in this position, you can lie down on the floor or stand straight. Many handicapped people were reported to be held by others also. A far more important factor is your mindset.


2. Your Mindset

You need a specific mindset to receive the divine healing energy.

  1. You must believe that healing is possible (for whatever the problems you are dealing with).
  2. A strong and firm intention to heal (again for whatever the issues you have–physical, emotional, mental, spiritual or any other personal stuff too).
  3. An open and receiving mindset–believe that “ask and it will be given.”
  4. Observe–the healing energy enters into you through the top of the head, the bottom of the feet, through your fingertips, practically anywhere in your body. Observe any unusual sensations or feelings. If you don’t experience anything unusual, that’s fine too.
  5. Ignore all negative thoughts or feelings; focus on positive and beautiful aspects.

Usually, Bruno Groening circle of friends groups play background music when they meditate together. Some of the most popular music they play are available on youtube:

When the actual healing occurs, some people may experience a temporary setback such as intense headaches, nausea, or even skin eruptions. These are considered to be Herxheimer syndromes that occur during intense purging processes, so don’t worry about it.

What inspired me the most was the story of a lady who was born deaf. After practicing this particular program for six months, she was able to hear in one of her ears, then after three months, the other ear “popped.” Extensive medical evaluations and tests confirmed that her hearing became “normal.” I believe this happened in late 1980s in Germany.

It really doesn’t take much to receive the divine healing energy. 5 minutes twice a day with a clear intent to heal with an open mind is all it takes. This program certainly helps me in feeling more grounded, peaceful, and energetic. Please let me know what your experiences are with this wonderful program. If you want to attend Bruno Groening meetings in New Jersey, let me know.