“Bloodletting” to Prevent Mini-Stroke?

Most of stroke prevention programs are geared to lowering cholesterol level, modest exercise, and modified diet. All of these are good for not only heart diseases, but overall health of all ages. But is there a really impressive, well-proven method to prevent strokes? Well, there is an ancient healing technique called “bloodletting.”  My late father had never failed carrying a few medical lancets with him, especially when he had to take a long flight. In many Asian countries, “bloodletting” has long been considered one of the most effective measure in preventing and treating stroke-like conditions.

What is “Bloodletting”?

bloodlettingBloodletting literally means let the blood coming out by puncturing some part of the body. According to Chinese medicine, bloodletting has many functions: speeding up the blood flow, transforming stagnation and clearing internal heat (associated with the heart). Surprisingly, this particular technique has been used throughout the world (from the land of Hippocrates, Mid-eastern countries, and Asian countries) well into the 20th century. These days, most Chinese medical doctors and acupuncturists shun away from bloodletting, mainly due to blood-borne disease scares (The state of California prohibits bloodletting).

Numerous research studies (mostly conducted in China) have been published asserting the efficacy of bloodletting. Not only preventing strokes and treating post-stroke symptoms, bloodletting has widely been used in treating tonsillitis, severe earaches, asthma, febrile disease, hypertension, back pain, and even eczema.