Suffering from Carpal Tunnel Syndrome?


Lately, I have treated unusually high number people suffering from of Carpal Tunnel Syndrome. Although there’s no direct link between cold weather and carpal tunnel syndrome that I know of, excessive pressure on the shoulders and neck during cold winter days may exacerbate the conditions. Do you suffer from pain, numbness and tingling in your hands? Is that numbness and tingling on the palm side of your hand, extending into the thumb, index finger, middle finger and half of the ring finger? If this sounds like the symptoms you have, you may be suffering from Carpal Tunnel Syndrome.wrist-carpal-tunnel-iStock-471434677-640X440

Self-acupressure on 4 different acupuncture points can dramatically reduce the level of inflammation and pain. In addition, there are a few more excellent tips to help you in dealing with the nagging wrist/hand pain.