Ulcerative Colitis

Ulcerative colitis is part of disease called inflammatory bowel disease (IBD). It presents with inflammation in the lining of the large intestine, specifically the colon and sometimes the rectum. The lining becomes inflamed due to small wounds or ulcers, which then produce mucus and pus.

ulcerqtive colitis

The inflammation and ulceration an cause pain and different problems, including frequent, watery diarrhea, persistent diarrhea with pain and bloody stool, urgent bowel movements, incomplete evacuation of the bowels despite a feeling of urgency, abdominal cramping, loss of appetite, weight loss, body fluid depletion, fatigue, fever or urgent diarrhea that wakes you up in the middle of the night.

How can Chinese medicine help patients with ulcerative colitis?

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An article published in the 2013 issue of Evidence-based Complementary and Alternative Medicine concluded that “acupuncture and moxibustion (a traditional technique that uses the smoke from the herb mugwort to penetrate the skin) demonstrated better overall efficacy than oral sulphasalazine in treating inflammatory bowel disease.”

Sulphasalazine is a doctor-prescribed pharmaceutical drug that is commonly used in the treatment of ulcerative colitis and rheumatoid arthritis.

Five Most Common Causes of Human Diseases

***As published in naturalawakeningsnj.com – see original article here.

The fundamental premise of alternative/complementary medicine is centered on the notion of treating causes of disease instead of treating symptoms, and in the attempt to identify these root causes, thousands of testing procedures, treatment protocols and techniques have been developed. Nonetheless, finding the true cause of any disease is extremely difficult because our bodies are made up of so many layers, organs and tissues, all of which affect each other at all times. It is more akin to detective’s work, and often the findings appear to be irrational, unlikely, or even absurd.

Outside of stress, which may well be the single most important cause, there are five major causes of all human diseases, regardless of age, geographic location and DNA disposition. They are food sensitivity, pathogens, metal toxicity, chemical toxicity and scar tissue. The root cause of any disease can be found among these five factors.

  • Food sensitivity: Certain foods wreak havoc on our health. Foods that can cause major troubles include wheat, sugar (including fruit sugar and honey), dairy, nuts, eggs and certain seafood. GMOs, animals being fed on growth hormones and antibiotics and the dumping of chemical and medical waste into soil and water have made many foods incompatible with our DNA. Gluten intolerance is a merely an outcry of the body telling us that it hates chemically-processed proteins. Not only wheat, but grains like barley, soy, corn, rye, millet and rice, as well as many different vegetables, are grown out of GMO seeds.

food sensitivity

  • Pathogens: Our bodies are inundated with many types of pathogens, notably viruses, bacteria, parasites and fungus/yeast. Many of these pathogens are buried deep inside our tissues and never leave our bodies. Among all pathogens, overgrown Candida (fungus/yeast) is perhaps the most challenging medical issue in modern times.


  • Metal toxicity: Heavy metal toxicity is usually caused by lead, mercury, arsenic and cadmium. We absorb metals through exposure to industrial products, polluted air and water, medicine, paint products and jewelry. When it comes to heavy metal toxicity, the most notable is mercury poisoning caused by amalgam tooth fillings (made of 50 percent liquid mercury and another 50 percent a powdered alloy composed of silver, tin and copper).

metal toxicity

  • Chemical toxicity: We are exposed to hundreds of different toxic chemicals. The water we drink contains fluoride, chloride, medical waste, polychlorinated biphenyls (PCB) and dioxin. The air we breathe is mixed with toxic fumes, chemical sprays and other harmful chemicals. All kinds of plastic materials, food coloring, dry cleaning materials, paints, heavily scented lotions and shampoos contain chemicals that are harmful to our bodies. The most harmful chemical toxin is in nail polish remover, commonly known as acetone.

chemical toxins

  • Scar tissue: Scar tissue formed by surgeries or injuries essentially blocks the flow of energy and blood in our bodies. Scar tissue that has not healed properly continuously excretes body chemicals that can be extremely harmful to surrounding tissues and organs.


Using a cookie-cutter approach based on conventional medical knowledge and previous research findings to determine the main cause of any medical condition among these five common factors can be dangerous and costly, because each individual has a uniquely different genetic makeup, diet and medical history. Even if two people demonstrate almost identical symptoms, what one person’s body needs can be vastly different from what the other individual needs.

However, we can find the deepest cause of any medical condition through applied kinesiology. When done properly, applied kinesiology yields extraordinarily accurate information about our health by allowing us to tap into our body’s “infinite intelligence”. Regardless of the severity and length of illnesses, at any given moment, our bodies are ready to point out the areas needing the most attention. Once the root causes are known, diseased bodies can be effectively treated by using real-food-based nutrition programs. When being fed with the right amount and type of nutrients, our bodies never fail to utilize their incredible self-healing power.

Dr. Susanna Eun, LAc, Ph.D., offers free seminars on nutrition response testing every month. For more information, visit AllendaleAcupuncture.com, or call 201-760-8811.