Self Acupuncture for Grief, Depression, Anxiety and Exhaustion

Lu 1: The 1st Lung Meridian Point called  Zhong Fu (Central Palace)

lung meridian 1A

Lung 1 is located on the top of the chest, under the shoulder. First locate the depression under the end of the clavicle, next to the muscle. LU-1 is one thumbwidth under this point, slightly to the side. These acupressure points on both sides of your can facilitate letting go of deep-seated fear, anxiety, depression, or grief. This point is also excellent for cough, asthma, and wheezing.

When your energy system is blocked, you can become fatigued, anxious, depressed, overwhelmed, and despondent because your supply of energy is impaired.  Use your fingertips to press the Lu 1. Inhale slowly and deeply as you gradually release your finger pressure, bring your arms outward, lift your chest, and tilt your head back. Hold your breath for a few second to assimilate the oxygen.  Exhale as your head comes downward and your fingertips return to the Lung 1 acupressure points. Repeat this exercise four or five more times.

lung meridian 1B

Try this acupressure point several times a day, along with deep breathing techniques, if you want to lessen your anxiety/depression.

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